Just a little progress

I’ve been sick for a few days. It’s winter here, down under, and it doesn’t help that I use public transport to get to work every day. Nothing like packing into a tram with a hundred other coughing people on a dreary gray morning, to remind me of my Soviet era childhood. Needless to say, I’m not at all nostalgic about it. I took a sick day and tried to sleep it off, but my brain is still no working so good.

Despite the general mental fog and lack of interest in anything outside the bed, I’ve managed to progress a little. First of all, I’ve made a decision on what to do about the proofread. Thank you so much to everyone who took time to read and advise me on my latest predicament. I’m going to persevere with the option #2, which is to get back to the editor and resolve what I perceive to be issues. I’m currently going through the manuscript, from the beginning, compiling a list of all the changes I don’t understand or agree with, and hope to send a complete list to her later today. In the process of doing it, I’ve realised that she’s actually done a good job overall, very thorough. I’ve also realised that I have a ready editor right next to me, in form of my fiancé. Why it has not occurred to me to ask him before, I’m not sure (refer mental fog), but it turns out his private school and uni education is worth something :-).

There has also been progress on the cover front. Due to popular demand from the focus group (thank you so much again!!) I have reverted back to the double rip, but used the more script-y font:

latest 16 August

It’s not finished yet, but I think the future changes will be very minor, as in fiddling with font color or placement, and maybe color saturation or overlays. There will never be a perfect cover to please everybody, but I’m quite happy with the feedback so far, which suggests that it’s catchy and interesting enough. I have certainly loved the process of working on it myself.

So there you go. Not too bad for the sneezing, coughing, mess that I am at the moment. Back to bed, I guess 🙂


Filed under Self-publishing and marketing

45 responses to “Just a little progress

  1. P.S. Hope you feel better soon. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The cover is looking good. Glad you have resolved the editing issue. Sounds like a good strategy. Take care of you – not good marketing to have a signing author leaving a bacterial signature as well. : )

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great looking cover, Ana. I think the fiance option is a great idea. You must lean on him a bit to be forthright and honest with you, too.
    Hope you’re feeling better soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Didn’t realise you are in Australia. Hope the flu is gone soon 🙂


  5. So glad you have worked out your editing and proofreading issues. The cover looks wonderful. Now, get well.


  6. Charlie

    I’m glad you are sticking with the editor. I’m not glad that you aren’t feeling well.


  7. Z.

    It’s a catching cover. Nicely crafted.

    It seems for all its woes, the cold -despite the mental fog- has given you an opportunity to process. It sucks to be sick, but what a great side effect.


  8. eclecticscribe66

    I hope you’re feeling better soon.


  9. cb

    Yes, yes make use of your built-in resource 🙂

    Your plan of attack seems sound – more work for you – but you will come away with a much better understanding in the end. The finished product will be something both you and your proofreader agree upon.

    Who is the cover model? She looks familiar to me?


  10. So your from russia but live in australia? Howd you end up there? Love th cover btw:)


  11. olivia barrington

    Hope you feel better soon. Glad you resolved the proofreading issue.The cover will be perfect when you finish it and your book a best seller! Take care!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. bendanarama

    My wife probably the best editor I’ve ever had – mainly because she isn’t afraid to be brutal with me if necessary! The cover’s looking good as well!


  13. Love the cover! My husband is my number one beta reader, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I’m starting to despise the winter. There is absolutely nothing fun about a constantly blocked nose and fizzy hair from sweaters.
    At least being sick is the perfect excuse to not leave bed. Hope you feel better soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Enette! This winter has actually been better, because I’ve bought a huge (fake) fur coat. It gets me weird looks from other (freezing) people, but I don’t care. I have a DNA right to wear furs, being Russian and all…

      Liked by 1 person

  15. I hope you feel better soon! I love your cover design.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. The cover looks awesome! If you ever need another proofreader, I proofread for another indie author. I can’t wait to read it & review for you!! Feel better!


  17. Hi, this was a nice read. Get well soon!!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. What a great cover. I love it! I hope you feel better soon.


  19. Since this was penned a few days ago, I hope you are feeling much better. Thank you for taking the time to follow my blog. Wishing you continued progress on the book.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. John

    Glad it seems to have worked out (so far). Hoping the talk with your proofreader ends bloodlessly!

    Liked by 1 person

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